The performance in Corporate Law may take different forms, including preventive actions related to implementation of business, enterprises or other types of companies. In this sense, the intended business or activity is identified together with the client, through an assessment of advantages and risks (due diligence), customized contracts or bylaws are written and the respective registration of the constitutive acts in the competent public entities.

  • Purchase and sale of company shares, assistance and preparation of all documentation;
  • General assemblies and meetings – in order to best protect the clients’ interests, whether majority or minority;
  • Conflict negotiation;
  • Preparation of studies and opinions about company matters in general.
  • Constitution of companies;
  • Juridical audits (due diligence) for companies undergoing acquisition or other processes that require such activities;
  • Assistance to individuals and legal entities in preparing bylaws, social contracts, general assembly minutes and shareholder’s agreements;
  • Preparation of contracts for consortiums, partnerships and other forms of organization for business activities;
  • Analysis of company structures and changes in company type, including demerger, merger, incorporation and business liquidation.