The office provides full and personalized legal assistance to companies, with preventive and contentious actions, even participating in administrative decisions, reducing litigation and minimizing the risks of companies and businesspeople.

Among other activities that the firm provides in this area, the following stand out:

  • Civil Litigation
    • Recovery of credits and assets;
    • Lawsuits involving commercial representation;
    • Lawsuits involving contracts;
    • Relationships in the scope of the Consumer Defense Code;
    • o Corporate Litigation;
    • Review and challenge of bank contracts.
  • Labor Consulting
    • Analysis of employee contracting situations;
    • Ongoing guidance on maintenance of employee-related documentation;
    • Alerts and information about relevant modifications to legislation and court interpretations;
    • Collective negotiations with Trade Unios, the Public Ministry of Labor and Professional Associations;
    • Analysis of labor risk in corporate negotiations;
    • Monitoring of labor lawsuits;
    • Preparation of preventive labor actions (payment consignment, among others);
  • Civil and Labor Preemptive Measures.

  • Business
    • Assistance in company acquisitions and sales;
    • Due Diligence;
    • Legal audit;
    • Risk assessment;
    • Mediation of business in general.
  • Corporate
    • Constitution and dissolution of companies;
    • Mergers, demergers, incorporations and acquisitions of enterprises;
    • Succession planning;
    • o Assets protection.
  • Contracts
    • Preparation of specific contracts;
    • Review and analysis of general contracts signed by clients.
  • Intellectual Property
    • Filing of brands, patents, computer software;
    • Defense of patents and brands.
  • Public Bids and Administrative Contracts
    • Public Bids;
    • Administrative appeals and reply briefs;
    • Monitoring of Bids;
    • Solving issues involving compliance with administrative contracts;
    • Administrative demands involving the economic-financial balance of contracts.