In the area of Family and Succession Law, we offer complete assistance in lawsuits including filing, preparation of defense and monitoring of legal actions, as well as:

  • Marriage
    • Change of property regime
    • Preparation of prenuptial agreements
    • Preparation of cohabitation and stable union agreements
    • Marriage annulment lawsuits
  • Separation and Divorce
    • Consensual judicial separation
    • Consensual notary separation
    • Property recognition and sharing in stable unions
    • Litigious separation lawsuits
    • Consensual separation lawsuits
    • Litigious divorce lawsuits
    • Dissolução do matrimônio
    • Dissolution of marriage
    • Child custody
    • Regulation of visits
    • Alimony for the spouse
    • Alimony for the children
    • Division of the couple’s property