In the area of Consumer Relations, the firm offers consulting services in prevention and guidance for clients, whether suppliers or consumers and, when necessary, files suits for their rights.

Among other activities that our firm provides in this area, the following stand out:


  • Matters related to commercial practices, such as discount sales, advertising, quotations, misconduct, debt collection, consumer databases and records (SPC, SERASA, CCF);
    • Consulting on renegotiation and collection of consumer debt with banks, credit card companies, financial institutions, etc.;
    • o Matters referring to consumer contractual protection, notably issues related to abusive provisions in subscription contracts, product and service provisions of diverse types (health, transport, tourism, travel, accommodation, deposit agreement, parking, insurance, private pension, bank, financing, consortia, public service provision, etc.);
  • Matters related to health plans, denial of exam coverage, procedures, consultations, surgeries, etc.;
  • Matters related to the consumption of products and services in general, such as: defense of basic consumer rights, issues related to product and service quality, prevention and compensation for damage resulting from consumption relationships, health protection and consumer safety;